Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Coming up: NASA Social

Today I got some very exciting news! I've been selected to attend the next NASA Social event at Johnson Space Center! On July 17, myself and (I believe) 29 other social media users will meet with the folks at NASA to learn about "Astronaut Health, Fitness, and Rehabilitation".

This is amazingly cool! I'm beside myself with excitement. In addition to getting to see ISS Mission Control (the tour only took us to the no longer in use Space Shuttle Mission Control room), it sounds like we may get to go into the ISS training modules, which I have only seen from the other side of some very sticky looking glass.

Me with ISS training modules on a tour in 2012.
I also now need to go learn everything I can about Expedition 37, since we will be able to participate in their Crew News Conference that afternoon, followed by a watching of Astronaut Mike Hopkins do a Google+ Hangout, which I know you're all going to watch!

So watch this blog in the days following July 17th to hear all about it!  You can also follow me on Twitter, and on Instagram for live updates as it happens!

In the meantime, if you have any burning questions about health in space, toss them in the comments and I'll see if I can get them answered for you!

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